Office Mascot

Armadillo is Spanish for “little armored one,” a definition which serves him well as our company mascot in Cleveland, OH where an “us against the world” mentality permeates the city.
This specimen was inspired by the cover art on Tarkus by progressive rockers Emerson, Lake & Palmer, a favorite album of ADA President Emeritus Martin Strelau. Known affectionately as “Archie” ever since his emergence from the talented hand of ADA Principal James Kassay (University of Cincinnati, ’98), the curvilinear silhouette of our cold-bodied mascot is proudly emblazoned on office merch such as mugs, t-shirts, and thumb drives.
Texas State University
Entomology (the study of insects), party planning, Human Resources, cooking, holiday decorating and cornhole.
Favorite Building
Montreal Biosphere
Favorite Movie
Necessary Roughness
Meet our President, Brian Quinn and Principal, James Kassay.
Get in touch with Archie.
Confidentially tell him about your plans to become an architect or launch a new retail prototype. Whatever the case, we’re ready to have that conversation.